
Byung Yun Jeon – Health Conditioning Coach

Byung Yun is a distinguished Health Conditioning Coach with a diverse background as an LPGA Athletic Trainer, World Kickboxing Federation Conditioning Coach, Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist, Prana Healer, and Nutritionist. His expertise includes movement and posture screening, manual muscle testing, massage therapy, corrective exercise, strength training, and nutrition.

Byung’s holistic approach not only addresses physical issues but also fosters self-awareness and empowerment, guiding clients to heal themselves. His journey began with a passion for sports and movement, leading him to enhance performance and prevent injuries for elite athletes. As a Prana Healer and Nutritionist, he integrates physical and energetic health to support optimal wellness.

Through comprehensive and compassionate coaching, Byung has helped countless individuals achieve lasting improvements in their physical and mental health. He is dedicated to fostering a proactive approach to well-being and continues to inspire those he works with.

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