
Jayne Hudson- Pranic Healer

I began my own healing journey several years go while suffering from debilitating migraines. The Pranic Healing I received was life changing. I began learning this modality for myself. Today, I am a certified Pranic Healer and have been healing friends and family since 2021. I have also been trained in Engage-Life-Coaching and have been empowering people to look within to solve their life problems and to take steps on their path leading them to align with their purpose. I facilitate physical, mental, and emotional transformation on a deep level.

I am dedicated to providing personalized and effective holistic wellness. My approach is rooted in the belief that each person holds the innate ability to heal themselves.  My role is to guide you in this process. With the use of healing techniques, including Pranic Healing, energy and chakra clearing, and spiritual life coaching, you can achieve balance and harmony on all levels of your being.

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