
Services & Workshops

Paid Services/workshops

If you are ready to make a commitment to contentment, but you are unsure where to start, this five day course will introduce you to ideas on happiness that have been collected by my good friend and mentor Rev. Elizabeth Ferrall. She has added practices- exercises- to these ideas to make them real and concrete in your life that can help you stretch your capacity for smiles.

Click on this link to Step into the Happiness Program

A little About Rev. Elizabeth Ferrall the creator of The 5-Day Happiness Program. 

I am a wife, and mother of three girls who are all on their way to being grown. I am a Reflexologist, certified with the International Institute of Reflexology. I am a Certified Master Healer- and serve at the Healing Temple at Lily Dale, N.Y.  and also a Life Force Energy Healer with the Deborah King Center. I have been clearing and blessing houses for 16 years.  I am a practitioner of and a mentor for Elemental Space Clearing. We are blessed to live in central Virginia, where I got very good at ghost work. I have studied Feng Shui, Tarot and Runes. I learned to meditate in Sri Lanka in 1981 and how to make flower essences at Perelandra.  In all the years that I have been practicing energy work on people and houses, I have found that the problems that people have with the body they live in and the problems that people have with the house they live in are often the same problems.  If you address the issues in one place it helps the other.  There are many ways to access magic in life. Clear a space. 

Click on this link to Step into the Happiness Program


Reiki Attunement (Kundalini) Classes with Angel Kangalee

Angel has many programs that can help you on your path.  I ,Loren Duffey, think she is the sweetest most delightful person and would recommend her to anybody who enjoys this refreshing personality type.

Kundalini Reiki Classes – VIRTUAL

We all have the natural ability to heal ourselves, and others. This ability is a gift given to us from God. When we experience physical pain in our bodies, such as a stomachache, or a headache, the first thing we do is place our hands over the place where we feel pain. Why do we do this? The answer is simple. Even though we may have forgotten the healing power that can radiate from our hands, our spirit subconsciously remembers.

Kundalini is symbolized as the slumbering serpent fire in the Root Chakra. Kundalini Energy is the dormant energy lying embedded within our bodies. This energy is blocked in most people due to traumas of life, our habits, and thinking patterns that have caused imbalances and obstructions.

Kundalini Reiki (KR) is a way to restore and circulate this energy, thus removing any blockages.  When we receive a Reiki treatment, or are attuned to Reiki, we re-remember what is already in us, and our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies start to operate in unison and come alive! Due to the healthier flow of our inner healing energy, and using the KR flow regularly, our body can experience more happiness and inner peace. This energy unites us with the energy of the universe.

During the first attunement of KR, all blockages of the Chakras will be cleansed, especially the Root Chakra. This channel from the Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra is our main energy channel. The Heart Chakra will expand, and the energy flow from the hands to the Crown Chakra will open, clearing all blockages so a healthy flow of KR can be assessed.

Through my personal observation, this attunement can assist you on your personal spiritual journey. The attunement itself is a healing. It does not guarantee instant enlightenment, but with using the energy as a tool for self-empowerment, you can filter it through all aspects of your life, gaining wisdom and knowledge about spiritual flow as well as cause and effect. With this aim, there is no doubt that one can have flashes of enlightenment and learn respect for the vast amount of possibilities that you have in your life for spiritual advancement.

Kundalini Reiki Level I                          $50.00

Kundalini Reiki Level II                         $50.00

Kundalini Reiki Level III, Master    $50.00



Free & Donation Based Services & workshops

Crystal Bowl Sounds Bath & Words To Embrace By Phil Fewster

I find that between the sound healing and the reflective inspiring messages spoken by Phil from RealEyes Meditation & Wellness Center,  I leave there with a warm and open heart that prepares me for the week ahead.  I hope that these recorded events allow you to embrace a small part of that experience. 

-Loren Duffey- (Karma HuBB)


Here are some recorded examples of Sunday events:




RealEyes Meditation & Wellness Center holds a crystal bowl sounds bath event on on most Sundays at their wooded retreat center.    It is the perfect way to reset yourself and open up to your truer nature.

They typically hold between 2-4 events each week. They also offer one on one/in person and remote work for those of you who are more serious about discovering your path or taking the next step.

They hold sacred space both indoors and outdoors. Inside with have a large great room with fireplace and a large plant/crystal room. Outside They have a few streams/springs, labyrinth, sweat lodge, tipi, gardens, fire circle and much more.

RealEyes Meditation is centrally located so people can conveniently reach us from DC or Baltimore, yet we are also quietly tucked away into the forest.


Each sound healing event includes both the crystal bowls and  a enlightening commentary by Phil Fewster.  He has a gift of sharing in a way that helps you open up in an healing manor.

Contact Info:


RealEyes Meditation and Wellness center

Sound Healing Event and Reflective Shares:





In the video below, Chris Plourde Demonstrates two breathwork exercises, Alternate Nostril Breathing, and Box Breathing.

The first exercise Chris demonstrates, Alternate Nostril Breathing, is also known as “Anulom Vilom” which is a form of Pranayama.

Chris says, “I use Breathwork as a tool to bring people inward and clear stuck emotions.” He says the benefits of Breathwork include lowering cortisol levels, stabilizing the nervous system and bringing us into the right brain.”

This is a little taste of methods he coaches.

Click here for the full interview.

Alternate nostril breathing may help to:

  • relax your body and mind
  • reduce anxiety
  • promote overall well-being

To practice alternate nostril breathing:

  1. Bring your right thumb up to your right nostril, and your right forefinger to your left nostril.
  2. Exhale completely. Use your right thumb to close your right nostril.
  3. Inhale through left nostril. Then close your left nostril with your forefinger.
  4. Open your right nostril and exhale out your right nostril.
  5. Inhale through right nostril and then close this nostril.
  6. Open left nostril and exhale through left side.
  7. This describes the process of one cycle. When your breathwork session is complete, end your practice by fully exhaling on the left side.

To practice Box Breathing:

  1. Inhale fully while counting to four slowly.
  2. Hold your breath for the same slow four-count.
  3. Again, slowly counting to four on the full exhale.
  4. Repeat these steps for the duration of your breathwork session.

Chris Plourde received his certification in Teacher and Training in Breathwork through David Elliot. Chris has done Yoga for 30 years and is a certified Yoga Instructor with 200 hours, which has been essential for his learning and expertise as a Breathwork expert.

Chris Plourde’s main focuses of service are as a coach, facilitator, and speaker. Click here to read more about Chris Plourde, Consciousness Performance Coach.

You will discover:

6 step routine to unblock your body. Creating a flow of calmness, relaxation and deep stillness in just 4 minutes.

5 questions to ask yourself when you feel anxious (number 5 is can have an immediate calming effect)

How to clear your body of “stress chemicals” picked up and stored in your body throughout everyday life. (Build-up of these may lead to panic attacks.)

A natural remedy to soothe your body into feeling grounded and relaxed.

The most effective way to BANISH stress, anxiety and panic in as little as 21 days. – FOREVER!

3 must avoid items when balancing your body’s health. (#2 is tricky because it’s found in nearly every food)

How to shut down ‘bedtime chatter’ and fall asleep quicker… staring at the ceiling for hours will be thing of the past.


Basic Background of Cleansing And Activating Your Chakras, Video Tutorial.

Enjoy this informative class with Jennifer Palmer, of Nourishing Journey, on the basics of working with your chakras.  Learn what they are and why you want to cleanse and activate them.

This is a Free 47 minute audio and PowerPoint presentation.

Jennifer Palmers info


Chord Cutting, Releasing Unwanted Energies, Short Video Instruction by Elizabeth Ferrall

Chord cutting can release you of energies from others that my be attached to you in an etheric manor.    This is a valuable exercise to free you of these outside, unwanted connections and attachments.  This is the exercise that I used during some difficult times and I found it very effective.    -Loren-

Originally presented by Sandra Rolus, this chord cutting tool has been reinterpreted and is spoken by Elizabeth Ferrall.

Chord cutting exercise  

Elizabeth Ferralls info


Multiple Virtual Free Classes by Ground Roots Healing

We are holistic leaders of color that seek to uplift and support other people of color and BIPOC allies to create a world of renewed possibilities for peace and healing. All are welcome!

Shamanic sound journey

All level Vinyasa

Early rise chair yoga

Restorative yoga

Yin yoga and general mobility

Yoga for anxiety and depression

Vinyasa 1+2 foundations

Trauma informed chair yoga


To Access Free Classes


Experience the “All Love” Energy, Remote classes with Sherry Tuegel

All Love, also known as Skhm, Sekhem, Seichim or Seikem is an energy from the Great Pyramid of Giza bought out into the world by Patrick Zeigler. 

This deeply transformative energy vibrates through all levels of your being; mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional. During the workshop your facilitator, Sherry, will hold a sacred safe space for your spiritual truth to move into your awareness using guided visualization, meditation, sound, and movement.

Please join us for an evening of heart centered healing and connection with your Truth. This event offers you the possibility of letting go of the things that no longer serve your joy and awakening to your deepest Truth.

Goto This “All Love Energy” Donation Based Class Zoom Class

Contact Sherry

Contact - Loren Duffey