
Karma HuBB Interviews.

From Doctors To Mediums, From Shamans To Clinical Therapist.  These Wellness Practitioners  Are Educating Us On Healing Methods, Helping Us To Be Better Informed Of Our Full Wellness Potential.

Mary Jane Allen – Forensic Intuitive

  • Aug 14, 2021

Finding truth in times of separation and divorce.

As a Forensic Intuitive and Psychic Medium, Mary Jane supports and guides women to heal pain, grief and energetic blockages at all stages of life including during separation and divorce so that they can move forward to live their most empowered, purposeful, joyful lives. If someone connected to a client is being deceptive or hiding information, Mary Jane is shown what is being hidden so her clients are empowered with the truth and can move forward in the way that is most aligned with their highest good. Mary Jane also reads photos which can be very helpful for women who are ready to enter the dating scene.


In this discussion we will discuss on:

As a forensic Intuitive I am showing what’s going on behind the scenes with people connected to my client.

If someone is not being truthful that could be reveled.

Finding the truth can allow you to fully heal.

How Mary Allan got into this field.

10 weeks to empowerment course that she offers.

The Yes no Exercise.

This exercise can help you with trusting your inner self and to get in touch with your inner truth.

Being able to help someone not only in times of divorce or separation but also guiding them when they are out dating.

The eyes are the window to the soul.

The path to mediumship.

Contact - Loren Duffey