
(Part #1) Are you doing these 10 things for a better sleep?

(Part #1) Are you doing these 10 things for a better sleep?

  • Jan 12, 2024
  • Physical Health, Mental Health

* Embrace Serene Silence: Install soundproof curtains, double-glazed windows, or white noise machines to create a peaceful sleep environment. * Harmonize with Nature: Bring greenery indoors with houseplants known for their air-purifying properties, such as snake plants, peace lilies, or aloe vera. * Luxurious Bedding: Invest in high-quality, organic bedding, ...

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10 Natural Cleaners & The Best Ways To Use Them:

  • Nov 16, 2023
  • Physical Health

The use of everyday holistic cleaners in our homes is not only beneficial for our health but also for the environment.  Natural products are non-toxic and free from harsh chemicals, ensuring a safer environment for you, your family, and your pets. By avoiding the use of chemicals, you reduce the ...

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Cryo-Therapy Wim Hoff

  • Jan 11, 2022
  • Self Discovery, Physical Health, Abundance and Gratitude

Taylor Fifield. A Maryland Based Certified Nutrition Specialist with a MS in Functional Medicine. This is his two cents around the topic of Cryo-therapy as voiced in the KarmaHuBB Video. ...I guess I kind of set us up to talk about the pods anyway because cryotherapy, when they see it ...

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Why Do Individuals Prefer Natural Healing Processes?

  • Jan 03, 2022
  • Self Discovery, Mental Health, Physical Health

If we closely evaluate human nature, we would understand how humans connect with nature and reciprocate the same energy levels into their surroundings. Nature healing processes are 100% authentic and scientifically proven to help individuals stay calm, persistent, and relaxed during the recovery process. Apart from medically approved medicine, tonics, ...

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More about massage and reflexology

  • Nov 24, 2021
  • Mental Health, Physical Health

Massage and reflexology offer different benefits for a client. They have been practiced for thousands of years through many different cultures to provide remedies to ailments of the body. Let’s dive into more details to understand what massage and reflexology are all about and how the two are distinct from ...

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Nutrition for wellbeing

  • Nov 16, 2021
  • Physical Health, Mental Health

Food plays a significant role in impacting our physical and mental health. It fuels both mind and body, in turn helping our bodies to grow, repair and function well. Having a balanced diet for that matter can help increase energy levels, improve heart health, help you maintain a healthy body ...

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Sound Therapy for Well Being

  • Nov 01, 2021
  • Mental Health, Physical Health

Sound therapy, also known as music therapy, is a healing therapy that uses aspects of music to improve mental health issues and emotional wellbeing. It involves playing an instrument, listening to music, singing along to music, meditating, sound baths, and moving to the beat of the music. Throughout history, music ...

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Meditation for Well-being

  • Oct 20, 2021
  • Self Discovery, Mental Health, Physical Health

Meditation is a practice that uses breathing techniques, mindfulness or sustained focus on an object, sound, thought or image to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm and stable state. It effectively improves psychological balance, enhances overall health and well-being, coping with illness, and enable you to handle stress in a ...

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Benefits Of Practicing Yoga

  • Aug 23, 2021
  • Mental Health, Physical Health

Healing Modalities; A Holistic Approach To Health  Healing modalities, sometimes called "alternative medicine," are no longer unpopular in western culture. These therapeutic techniques can be the catalyst for ideal fitness, relaxation, and transformation.  All healing modalities believe in a holistic approach to health. Holistic approach means providing support that looks ...

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Contact - Loren Duffey