Learning who you really are is an important facet of becomes and fulfilled entity with enlightenment and abundance. These articles reflect that theme.
Written by Scott Kiloby kiloby.com A shadow is an aspect of the separate-self story that, for whatever reason, gets repressed and then projected outward as an “other.” The “other” is really a reflection of the separate self. We box and hug shadows. To box a shadow is to repress a ...
Continue ReadingIn my decades of practicing meditation and participating in shamanic journeys, learning to trust my imagination has been one of the greatest discoveries I have made. While taking on the process of learning new methods of inner reflection, there inevitability seems to be a moment where you can’t help but ...
Continue ReadingIt’s time for some fun! If you read Part 1 about the room in my head where I go when I need deep healing and relaxation. You’ll remember that, while that room was made to be the perfect mental health mini-vacay, it also came with structured rules and can feel ...
Continue ReadingPicture it, a luxurious tropical hideaway set on top a cliff top overlooking the shimmering blueness of the Caribbean Ocean. A pristine sanctuary that no one knows about but you. Tall thin palm trees sway gently in the warm afternoon breeze. From outside, soft happy chirps can be heard blending ...
Continue ReadingI can sum it up in three words: No way Jose! From my journey I have come to know that we are ALL healers. Every single last one of us. You’re a healer, I’m a healer, your grandma is a healer, your dog is a healer, and yes, even “Karens” ...
Continue ReadingTaylor Fifield. A Maryland Based Certified Nutrition Specialist with a MS in Functional Medicine. This is his two cents around the topic of Cryo-therapy as voiced in the KarmaHuBB Video. ...I guess I kind of set us up to talk about the pods anyway because cryotherapy, when they see it ...
Continue ReadingIf we closely evaluate human nature, we would understand how humans connect with nature and reciprocate the same energy levels into their surroundings. Nature healing processes are 100% authentic and scientifically proven to help individuals stay calm, persistent, and relaxed during the recovery process. Apart from medically approved medicine, tonics, ...
Continue ReadingMichele uses universal, source and cellular energy to correct issues by taking you back to the source... back to the core of what happened to initiate this fear phobia or issue. In order to understand Past Life Regression you need to understand what Hypnosis is. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is behavior modification ...
Continue ReadingDo take time today to see the wonders of the world around us. WE have been blessed to be on this turning globe in this lifetime and during these ever-changing times (which time is always tick tick ticking into the future, so there is not much difference there). At the ...
Continue Reading“Breathe Deep the gathering gloom. Watch lights fade from every room. Cold hearted orb that rules the night. Removes the colors from our sight.” Some deep lyrics from an old song which may feel like today. Though do know that we are not losing the fight (of love of light) ...
Continue ReadingSlowly and with consciousness we greet our day/s. There is nothing we need to do except to show up, in the highest of awareness/es. The Higher Levels of Hopefulness and Helpfulness and LOVE for SELF and ALL the others. This idea relates more to the spiritual ways of showing up ...
Continue ReadingBreathe and Ground. Love and Forgive. Release the anger which may have cropped up due to outside influences. We can do much to help those around us and the world at large. We need not do it with anger and contempt, nor frustration, even. It is best to do good ...
Continue ReadingWe are each our own and yet part of the collective. We are each worthy to receive. Our SELVES are our own and we can work with and through The Higher Consciousness of Living/Love and BE WHO WE WISH TO BE AND SEE in this world. Be how we wish ...
Continue ReadingMeditation is a practice that uses breathing techniques, mindfulness or sustained focus on an object, sound, thought or image to achieve a mentally clear, emotionally calm and stable state. It effectively improves psychological balance, enhances overall health and well-being, coping with illness, and enable you to handle stress in a ...
Continue ReadingTake it easy in and through life altering changes. Breathe Deeply and Ground Down and Know. That creates a resolve which is very powerful here on Planet Earth Side. Similar to IDEALS which Edgar Cayce often spoke is the idea of resolve. BE EASY and still stay strong. BE FLEXIBLE ...
Continue ReadingTake time to get right within. We may be feeling depleted, angry, or saddened by outside influences. There are many and such a variety ~ those close to home; those further afield. Look truthfully at said feelings and find solace and resolution, when able. When not able do release the ...
Continue ReadingWe have all we need, and we can do great things with it. We can do small things and big things though all can be created HERE in the NOW in the IAM PRESENCE. Many feel depleted over the past few years of struggle and strife. Most have a deep-seated ...
Continue ReadingWe may not feel like we do at certain times when things feel rough, or we feel forgotten or unworthy. Or when we simply feel sick, unwell, or sorry for ourselves. Though we are still full of love for that is our life force energy. If we are still here, ...
Continue ReadingIf you have clicked on the blog seeing the title only, chances are, you are interested in sound therapy and alternative medicine. And why not? Alternative medicine is the new hot discussion since we all are looking for remedies that do not have side effects. Sound therapy is one of ...
Continue ReadingIn this article we will discuss SELF discovery, SELF love, SELF acceptance. We all have great gifts to bring into this world and today is a beautiful day to share them. We may not think our gifts are special or perfect though they ARE! A simple kindness, gesture. A lending ...
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