
Karma HuBB Interviews.

From Doctors To Mediums, From Shamans To Clinical Therapist.  These Wellness Practitioners  Are Educating Us On Healing Methods, Helping Us To Be Better Informed Of Our Full Wellness Potential.

How to Heal Anxiety with Joey Hurl of Joga Wellness

  • Jul 21, 2022

Empower yourself to release anxiety & depression. Joey went through a journey to heal her chronic anxiety through a variety of experiences and healing modalities. She shares some of the techniques she used to heal anxiety for herself, and how she helps others heal anxiety.

Joey is a movement and breathwork guide, and the founder of Joga Wellness + Mana Kai. Joey’s classes and offerings weave a beautiful and nourishing tapestry that support your nervous system, transform your body and help you to remember who you are at a soul level. It is her mission to help you grow physically, spiritually and emotionally, through specifically designed movement and breath practices.

Joey says there are quantum realms we can access and the more we move into the 5D realm, the more we are connected to the spiritual realm. Then we discover that the possibilities are endless.

Take a listen to Joey’s 7 minute heart opening meditation.


Mindfulness, wellness and energetic programs are popping up all over the world these days. Today we are talking with Joey Hurl, The founder of Joga Wellness located in Byron Bay Australia, about the practices of Mana Kai. It’s a program that teaches methods to support a greater well-being. Things like energy medicine, plant medicine, breath work… even concepts like 3-D versus 4D and 5D which we will talk a little bit about in the interview.


In this interview we will discuss:

Byron Bay Australia, the spiritual epicenter of Australia.

Dealing with anxiety and depression as a child.

The modalities explored in order to help with her own challenges and to heal anxiety.

Beneficial therapeutics like Micro-dosing.

Diving deep into the body and clearing issues from the inside out.

Changing our physiology and connecting with our inner wisdom through breath work.

How rewriting your story can desensitize your trauma.

The Global Healing Hub interview

Practitioner page


To Connect to Joey, Other Wellness Practitioners & their workshops go to TheGlobalHealingHub.com


Contact - Loren Duffey