
More about massage and reflexology

More about massage and reflexology

November 24, 2021

Massage and reflexology offer different benefits for a client. They have been practiced for thousands of years through many different cultures to provide remedies to ailments of the body. Let’s dive into more details to understand what massage and reflexology are all about and how ...

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Sound Therapy for Well Being

November 01, 2021

Sound therapy, also known as music therapy, is a healing therapy that uses aspects of music to improve mental health issues and emotional wellbeing. It involves playing an instrument, listening to music, singing along to music, meditating, sound baths, and moving to the beat of ...

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Mental Health Awareness – Importance

September 21, 2021

Mental illnesses can affect anyone, from adults, teenagers to children. In fact, 19% of the adult population, 43% of teenagers, and 13% of children are affected each year. It can affect anyone in your family, neighbor, a colleague at work, or school friend. However, only ...

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Contact - Loren Duffey